
At Buoyant, our community is important to us.

Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

To create value for our customers through sustainable design, range depth, reliability and price. We want our customers to experience excellent hassle free service

Our Vision

To be the UK’s leading furniture manufacturer offering well designed and well made products at highly competitive prices

Our Core Values

We Love design
We bring the latest international trends to market

Quality at Heart
We are passionate about quality. Diligence and dedication are key

Customer Fixated
We learn with our customers and collaborate to meet their needs

Tighten your belt
We offer a wide portfolio of well-designed, upholstery products at prices many people can enjoy

Honesty & Integrity
We are straight talking and take a no nonsense approach to dealing with issues

The Buoyant Team
Each and every team member is vital to our success

The Plan is the Plan
We deliver what we promise!

What we do for Charity

Our on-going charitable work is hugely important to us. We recognise our responsibility to contribute to local and national charitable organisations, with the aim to promote happiness and provide true support in many different worthy cases.

We pride ourselves in supporting the following charities:

Macmillan Cancer Support:

Macmillan is one of the largest British charities, providing specialist health care, important information and financial support to people affected by cancer.


Arafest runs two of its own events annually. These include a vibrant summer festival and festive Christmas ball. They’re committed on providing support to under privileged children and young people living in the area of Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire by administrating grants to charities and other helpful organisations. The chosen charities that Arafest support are Freedom Road Creative Arts, The Hull Beats Bus, Special Stars charity, Beverly Cherry Tree, The Scrap Store, The Herd Theatre as well as the Jane Tomlinson 10 kilometre run.

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Pendleside Hospice:

Pendleside hospice “exists to promote and enhance quality of life for people with life-limiting illnesses”.

Gender Pay Gap Information

We are an employer required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

This involves carrying out six calculations that show the difference between the average earnings of men and women in our organisation.

Using a data source of 5th April 2023 the results are as follows:-

Difference in hourly rate

  • Women’s mean hourly rate is 16.7% lower than men’s
  • Women’s median hourly rate is 5.2% lower than men’s

Proportion of women in each pay quartile

  • Top quartile (highest paid) 15.6% of the top quartile are women
  • Upper middle quartile 31.8% of the upper middle quartile are women
  • Lower middle quartile 34.9% of the lower middle quartile are women
  • Lower quartile (lowest paid) 27.8%

Who received bonus pay

  • 1.5% of women
  • 1.9% of men

Difference in bonus pay

  • Women’s mean bonus pay is 59.0% lower than men’s
  • Women’s median bonus pay is 28.7% lower than men’s

Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Buoyant Upholstery Ltd supports the objectives of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of eliminating slavery and human trafficking to operate in an ethical manner. This statement is therefore made by Helium Sofa Group Ltd and subsidiary Buoyant Upholstery Ltd, which are required to make such a statement in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We recognise our responsibility and we are committed to respecting and protecting the human rights of all those who work within our operations, including but not limited to employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, agents, contractors, suppliers and customers.

We are devoted to running our business responsibly and to maintaining high ethical principles, to supporting transparency and honesty and to working with others to protect the rights of workers. Buoyant Upholstery Ltd will continually improve and implement policies and processes to guard against modern slavery and to uphold human rights in our operations and supply chain.

The company will not support or trade with any organisation or business that is believed to be involved in these practices.

Our Business

Buoyant Upholstery Ltd was founded in 1909, originally located in Sandiacre, near Nottingham, and moved to Nelson, Lancashire, in 1973.

We are one of the largest upholstery manufacturers in the UK. We design, manufacture and deliver an extensive range of upholstered furniture to multiple retailers and independent customers alike. Our Mission is to create Value for our customers through design, range depth, reliability and price. We want our customers to experience excellent service that’s hastle free . The business employs over 500 employees. The majority of our products are handmade to order at our plant in Nelson or imported through trusted partners.

Our Supply Chain

We have longstanding relationships with the majority of our suppliers, with whom we share the same commitment to ensuring that modern slavery does not exist within the supply chain.

Our Buying Team is in regular contact with our major overseas suppliers and their support for adhering to the Modern Slavery Act is of paramount importance.

Due diligence and risk identification

We acknowledge that the manufacturing sector as a whole is high risk in terms of the number of imported commodities linked to forced or child labour. This risk is heightened in the case of global supply chains, as we may have less visibility of suppliers beyond the first tier. As an organisation, we recognise that there is a risk of modern slavery in any area of our business where there:

  • Is migrant labour (country to country or within a country);
  • Is a high presence of refugees;
  • Are young workers and a risk of child labour;
  • Are contract and agency workers.

Buoyant Upholstery Ltd undergoes regular independent audits at our sites, in-line with the Ethical Trade Initiative Base Code.

Our policies

The process of reviewing and implementing our policies and procedures is a continual one and we will maintain this approach to ensure that these policies remain compliant with all UK legislation. In order to our formalize operations, we implemented a code of conduct policy document available on the Buoyant Upholstery website.

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, our key staff have participated in a number of training sessions.


All our line managers, team leaders and supervisors have been given relevant Modern Slavery training in conjunction with Slave Free Alliance a leading independent organisation and Bribery and Corruption training with the Lancashire Chamber of Commerce. In addition to this, further training was conducted on how to handle conflict and deal with bullying and harassment.

The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our organisation or supply chain is the responsibility of all those working for us or on our behalf. Workers must not engage in, facilitate or fail to report any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy.

We expect all of our employees, suppliers, customers, business partners, the general public and any relevant third party to raise any concerns or suspicions that they have about any of our procurement processes in complete confidence. Concerns can be reported confidentially to Protect (independent whistleblowing charity) at the Helpline: 020 3117 2520 or on their website:

We understand that the potential for modern slavery will need ongoing assessment and actions to mitigate risk. As such, our approach is based on continually reviewing the effectiveness of our policies, exercising due diligence when engaging with new suppliers, carrying out performance reviews, and taking seriously any issues or complaints by undertaking appropriate investigations and remedial action.

If we find that other individuals or organisations working on our behalf have breached this policy, we will ensure that we take appropriate action. This may range from considering the possibility of breaches being remediated and whether that might represent the best outcome for those individuals impacted by the breach to terminating such relationships.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) and has been approved by the Board of Directors. This document constitutes our Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement for the financial year ending September 2024.

Glen Ainsworth - Development Director

Terms & Conditions of Purchase

These Conditions apply to the Contract to the exclusion of all previous agreements and understandings between the parties and any other terms that the Supplier seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing and these Conditions shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Buoyant, apply to all future supplies of the Goods and/or Services.

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Terms & Conditions of Sale

These Conditions apply to the Contract to the exclusion of all previous agreements and understandings between the parties and any other terms that the Buyer seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing and these Conditions shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Buoyant, apply to all future supplies of the Goods.

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Human Rights Policy

The Company is committed to providing basic rights and freedoms that every person in the world should be entitled to, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Based on core principles such as dignity, legitimacy, fairness, accessibility, equality, respect, transparency, autonomy and rights-compatible. Giving greater effect to rights and freedoms guaranteed under the European Convention on Human rights.

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See Our Story

We build over a century’s worth of knowledge, experience and quality into every piece of furniture we make.

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  • FlexiTech
  • Extraflex
  • FSC
  • British Furniture Manufacturers
  • Acid